
Saturday, 30 April 2011

muhammad azim bin muhammad kamarudin!..ntah btol ke x ejaan nme pn x sure...born on 21june 1994...baek,carring,tpy pnas bran gk r..dye law mrah dye x ckap dye smpn ..t ttbe gk yg kn pjok..erm..tpy aq epy la ble ngan dye smetimes cket aty gk...ergh!..this year dye ambik spm..dye always bzy..dye dh jrang r nan aq..kdang2 trase r slaloo pk msty dye dh bosn nan aq msty dye dh de len..erm ntah larh mcam2 aq pk..ary tu aq mntk clash n dye on tekilan r gk..slaloo dye x cm tu msty dye pjok aq tpy ary tu dye troz on cdey gler babi..mnyesal gler aq ckap cmtuh..pastu aq pjok dye tpy dye ttap x nk..erm aq pn redho je r..maybe x d jdoh kot...01/05/2011 kol 2.05 pagi dye text aq epy gler...bla bla bla bla ktewang pn kpel blek...ktewang start kpel 21/12/2009 erm dh 1 year 5 bulan kot..tpy 2 pn bnyk kly kpel clash kpel clash..erm..bse la dh cyg an msty r ccah nk lpekn...cyunk cyg syg cgt2 at cyunk!!!hope cgt lpaz ny kte x kn clash lgy..x mau gdo2 lgy k...rndoo cgt at kmoo..ble larh kte ley jmpe ye..??? harap cgt ko x lpe at aq wlau ppe pn tejdy..doakn ksihatan slaloo doakn kbahagiaan ko n terlaloo cyg cgt at ko!!! mntk maap cgt2 aq dh bnyk wat clah...hope ko epy nan owg yg ko syg...salam trakher aq tok ko..i still falling in love with u cyunk!

        x penah terfikir olehku
             x sdikit pun ku byangkn..
          ko akn pegy tglkn ku cndry..
              bgitu sulit ku byangkn..
           bgitu sakit ku rasakn..
                ko akan pegy tgalkn ku cndry..
di bwah bahu insan iny ko tlah sandarkn 
   kceh cyg kmoo bgitu dalam
 sungguh ku x sanggop iny tejdy kernaku cgt cinta

            inylah saat terakhir ku mlihat kmoo
                jtoh aer mata ku mnangis pilu..
             anya mampu ku ucapkn selamat jlan kceh

   1 jam sja ku tlah bisa cintai kmoo3x d atykoo
       namun bagiku mlupaknmu butuh waktu seumor edop ku..
    1 jam sja ku tlah bisa sayangi kmoo d atyku 
        namun bgiku mlupaknmu butuh waktu ku seumur edop..
                     di nanty ku...
                                                                                created by 
                                                                            zahratun djannah
                                                                              saat terakher 
this year i get a new is a SYAZANA NABILA ATIKAH...dye baek,carring,funky,slaloo wt aq epy ..edop aq crie nan dye...sometimes aq cdey gk coz dye ble dh meet nan mmber laen dye cm x lyan aq..erm ntah larh aq x pham yg aq taw she's my bezfren 4 this year ..!aq cyunk ko larh gler!...dye de kakaq angkt ...dye kte skunk kakaq dye dh brubh..why..?? i pun x taw larh...dye slaloo nanges pcal NAZIE! x mau tgk ko cdey2 lgy k..ko de aq..haha..ko ny mmg manje an..cke tgk ko wt mke chomel ko!!...wey skunk aq pn epy gk aq pn dh de kakaq gk larh!wek!!aq pn cyg kakaq RUZIADZILA BTE RUSLAN!..HAHA .....erm x taw larh nk tlez pe lgy...k bye!..that's all that i want to story about anak sahrin ny..i meant syaza larh! aq cyunk ko larh gler!!!

skunk x cme cm dlu..sme nye dh brubh...~

dlu kte slaloo cme2 an..g DM cme2,..g MUSOLLA cme2..g SKOLA cme2..,sme nye larh msty cme2..kne DENDE pn msty kne cme2 an,..??skunk sme nye dh x cme2 cm dlu la..npe ye..??cdey miszz gler2 larh...ble kte dpat meet ha..?hope cgt kowunk x lpe aq..mmber this year x cme nan last nx kowunk blek larh!!!aq rndoo SAMTAK!!! i stiilll love u!!! zah-dewtoll-najah-arbiell-peah-syikin-aiman- fwenshipp still 4 eve k! now i'm really sad bcoz x dpat nak becme2 lgy nan more to say..hope 1 day i cant meet they all! n lu u 4 eve..!

Sunday, 17 April 2011

cerita budak manja: aq still cyunk dye....

cerita budak manja: aq still cyunk dye....: "dlu time dye mnat lak tgah kpel nan owg len..erm dlu aq x sdar dye btol2 cyg at aq..skunk bru aq sdar..npe bru skunk..??btol owg ckap..."

aq still cyunk dye....

dlu time dye mnat lak tgah kpel nan owg len..erm dlu aq x sdar dye btol2 cyg at aq..skunk bru aq sdar..npe bru skunk..??btol owg ckap org yg kte cyg blom tntu cyg kte spenohnye tpy owg yg kte x cyg owg 2 la yg btol2 cyg kte..pastu akher thon 2010 ktewang kpel tpy x cmpy sbulan pn cbab dye mrah gler aq kuar nan luky len..erm x sngke la bnde kcik cmtu bley wt aty dye terlke cgt..i'm really sorry cgt2...skunk ny aq taw ko x kn mgkin trime aq blek an..x pe la aq redho..kdg2 kte terpkce lpazkn owg yg kte cyg tok kebahagiaan dye...erm...hope 1 ary t kte jmpe lgy erk..hope u will be epy with your..?.?                                      - afif-


Saturday, 16 April 2011

hell0 dear..!!!

hye...semua rakan blogger.....!!
i'm new at here....kepada sesiapa yg mengenali sye...follow lhaa yea....!!
ini kisah bru sye disini....harap maklum....

Lupe nk knal kan dri...nama sye Zahratun Djannah Bt Mohd Yacub....dknali sbgai Rara...huhu...
berumur 16 tahun....duduk kat bandar utama, cheras...skola kat SMV ERT SETAPAK....
salam kenalan dri sye kpada ahli2 blogger....

hope krg sudi tngok blogger sye yg tk brape nk cntik nyh yea...!!huhu...