
Sunday 17 April 2011

aq still cyunk dye....

dlu time dye mnat lak tgah kpel nan owg len..erm dlu aq x sdar dye btol2 cyg at aq..skunk bru aq sdar..npe bru skunk..??btol owg ckap org yg kte cyg blom tntu cyg kte spenohnye tpy owg yg kte x cyg owg 2 la yg btol2 cyg kte..pastu akher thon 2010 ktewang kpel tpy x cmpy sbulan pn cbab dye mrah gler aq kuar nan luky len..erm x sngke la bnde kcik cmtu bley wt aty dye terlke cgt..i'm really sorry cgt2...skunk ny aq taw ko x kn mgkin trime aq blek an..x pe la aq redho..kdg2 kte terpkce lpazkn owg yg kte cyg tok kebahagiaan dye...erm...hope 1 ary t kte jmpe lgy erk..hope u will be epy with your..?.?                                      - afif-